Sunday, February 18, 2007

Many of us from Ted Dekker's website and forum, The Circle, have decided to commit to reading the bible completely through, in whatever order each of us sees fit. Some of are going to be making a record of it here, so I'll be posting some links to blogs that belong to other participants. At the moment, the only two I know of, for certain, are:

  • Justin's ( and,
  • Zoe's (

    I'm going to be reading in the following order:
  • Romans through Jude
  • Matthew through Acts
  • Genesis through Malachi
  • Revelation

    I'm currenty in II Timothy. It's too late to post all my notes, but I'll post some and try to get the rest up later.


  • 1:18-20 Discusses general revelation to those who haven't heard the gospel. Speaks in terms of God's existence, but not of the revealing of Christ's sacrifice. Verse 21, however, applies to only the wicked.

    2:9-11 The bible gives no inalterable selection of the saved, indicated salvation by belief, and not unconditional election

    2:12-15 Speaks of the law that is written on the hearts of men, specifically those that haven't heard. Note that it says they are defended, not condemned by it.

    3:19-20 The Law speaks only to those who are under the Law. It doesn't make people righteous, only conscious of their sin. In other words, it points out the problem, but doesn't necessarily fix it.

    3:25 Seems to say that sins, before Christ, went unpunished.

    4:5 Belief is distinct and separate from works.

    4:15 Where there is no Law, there is no transgression.

    5:12-14 Where the law is not given, it is not taken into account. Paul seems to be expressing the idea that we are accountable to what we know. This is a theme that continues through many of his epistles.

    12 (specifically) Sind entered the world through a man, not through a man and a woman. It mentions nothing of a "fall." It can be suggested, therefore, that sin (i.e. carnality) entered through "one man" at creation, not through the event in the Garden.

    14 (specifically) It is possible to be carnal without breaking a command.

    To continue this study, click HERE to read my comments on Romans 6-9.


    Anonymous said...

    wow...some of those are indeed controversial sayings. lol. that's why i like you, you're not afraid to think outside the box.

    Jeremiah said...

    Controversial today, yes. But as I research, I find that the earliest church fathers, all the way up to Luther agreed with me (for the most part). Calvin changed all that with his Institutes. This is something that I was putting together as a topical commentary, perhaps a systematic theology. I've got an appendix that I'm building that shows what church fathers quoted and where. So far, I'm pretty much in line with most of them.