Friday, September 21, 2007

Look How Funny I Can Be (copied and pasted from Rapid City Ray):

"Cleanliness used to be next to Godliness, but the shelf in the bathroom where I keep both was really full, and when I put my can of Awesomeness up there, it knocked the can of Cleanliness to the floor. It rolled a couple feet and now Cleanliness is next to the toilet." ~Jeremiah
Sometimes I just feel like bragging about stuff that I have no reason to brag about.


Leanne Stewart said...

I live with a 13 year old. This is the kind of "humor" I find myself surrounded with every day.


On a unrelated note, you ever read Hans Kung's On Being A Christian, Jer?

It's on ebay for like 5 bucks, if you haven't. It's incredible and I'm only on pg. 33. It makes me think of how well you think things through.

Jeremiah said...

I need to. I've seen it referenced a dozen times in the other books I'm reading. I'm afraid, however, that if my books-to-read stack gets any higher, it may take my place and I'll be out on the couch.

More or less, I just needed to break up the string of serious topics. And I wanted to experiment with pictures.

Leanne Stewart said...

The book is HUGE, Jer. It's over 700 pages. I've been considering it for months as it sat on my shelf. Last Sunday I skipped church and read the book instead. Didn't get more than a paragraph or two into the first chapter before I was itching to dialogue about it.

It will definitely take up space-both physical and mental.
