Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Chuckwagon

I'm loving all the "Chuck Norris is so tough that..." I'm seeing, so I decided to jump on the chucwagon and compile my own list. It's probably not as funny, but as long as Chuck doesn't kill me for it, I'll feel okay about it.
  • Obi-wan's original advice to Luke was "Use the Chuck," but it was edited for Copyright Laws.

  • Chuck Norris is the only person to ever shoot a 144-point buck. He used a straw and a chewed up gummy bear.

  • When Chuck Norris puts on boots, he's concealing deadly weapons.

  • Chuck Norris invented barbed wire so he could floss his teeth.

  • Chuck Norris took a leak and made the Grand Canyon.

  • The reason why there are now six bodies of land on the earth is because Chuck Norris squeezed Pangea in his fist.

  • Chuck Norris' fillings are made of Uranium.

  • Chuck Norris was going to play the asteroid in Armageddon, but after trying to drill into him, they had to find something softer, like iron.

  • If you type "Chuck Norris is a girl" in on Google and click "I'm Feeling Lucky" the next page says "You must."

  • To drink a shot of vodka, Chuck Norris pours it into a hollowpoint and shoots himself in the mouth.

  • Chuck Norris' e-mail address isn't @ anything. It simply is.

  • Chuck Norris stabbed a guy once because he was tired of holding the knife.

  • Chuck Norris doesn't need a remote control. Television signals bend to his whim.

  • What happens when an irresistable force encounters an immovable object? Chuck Norris.

  • Pharoah let the Jews go because the eleventh plague is Chuck Norris.

  • Chuck Norris is the reason Rome fell.


Steve Hayes said...

To hell with Church -- Steve Hofmeyr is our man.

Jeremiah said...

Hey! That's almost spam. Mispelled spam at that. Church?

Fred said...

This is great! I really love how you push the Chuck Norris thing just a little bit further so that it morphs into folklore: paul bunyan and all that...

Jenny B. said...

I tried the google search... no such luck. Darn!

No, really... I did... for fun.