Saturday, January 19, 2008

God Bless Ann Coulter

I just finished the latest New York Times best-seller If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans. If you're looking for a quick glimpse of what the book is, it's this: a condensed version of Ann Coulter's sharpest remarks, separated by topic (complete with introduction). Beyond that, I'm not going to review the book. You need to read it for yourself. Because of the-quote-by-quote layout, it's a really quick read.

From time to time, I trip through YouTube looking for videos of Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin, especially after one of them releases a book or makes an intense comment. Judging from the anti-conservative "hate speech" coming from the left in a sudden surge, I'd say that Coulter's new book is doing fantastic. What's most amazing about that is they're proving her right. I watched half a dozen of the top-rated Anti-Ann videos and I noticed something: she's called a c**t, a bitch, crazy, and a slew of other things, but I've yet to see anyone say why. I'm not going to hold my breath, either.


Yehudi said...

Shalom, Jeremiah! I love Sean Hannity and other conservatives, however, in ligt of Ms. Coulter's recent ignorant remarks about Jews, I think I'll pass on her book. Have a great weekend!

Jeremiah said...

I understand, but please don't write her off on the basis of that one comment. She is neither a biblicial scholar nor a theologian, and she's not as well-spoken on that issue as in politics. It is taken for granted in Christianity that the Law can be summed up by two commands: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and, Love thy neighbor as thyself. In a sense, that's what she meant by "fast track." But again, it was a poor choice of words.

kc said...

I've been wondering if that's a good book. Have you read Godless as well? She may not be a biblical scholar, but she knows what's what.


Jeremiah said...

Godless was the better of the two, but only because Democrats...quotes from it.